The Journey From Relaxed Hair to Locs

The Journey From Relaxed Hair to Locs

Hey, loc fam!

Relaxed hair is chemically straightened, whereas your natural hair grows out of your scalp in a variety of textures, coils, and curls, minus the chemicals. Before we get into how to transition from relaxed hair to your natural hair texture, there are a few things to keep in mind:

  • Moisturize. Dry hair can cause breakage.
  • Consult with a licensed loctician.
  • Coloring your hair on your own. A licensed stylist is always best.

If you can incorporate these steps, your journey from relaxed to natural will be a breeze. 


How do you go from relaxed hair to locs?

If you're thinking about making the switch from relaxed hair to locs, the process might not be as scary as you think.. In this article, we'll give you a step-by-step guide on everything you need to know to make the transition from relaxed hair to locs as smooth as possible. We'll also let you in on a few secrets to help you achieve the best results. So, if you're ready to take the plunge, read on!

Transitioning from relaxed hair to your natural hair

The first step in making the transition is to grow out your hair. This can take anywhere from a few months to a year, depending on how fast your hair grows. Once your hair is long enough, you'll need to cut off the relaxed ends. This can be a big decision, but it's necessary if you want your locs to be healthy and look good. Many folks use the words locs and dreadlocks interchangeably. However, locs will usually require some level of manipulation to get started whereas dreadlocks will form naturally as the hair knots together and forms mats or dreadlocks.

After you've cut off your relaxed ends, the next step is to loc your hair. If you plan to go with locs instead of dreads, we highly recommend that you find an experienced loctician to help you start your new loc’d hairstyle. For tips on how to choose a legitimate loctician, you can read our article on this topic. 

The process of forming new locs

You can start new locs with a variety of methods, but an experienced loctician will recommend the method that’s best for your hair. A lot of people have made the mistake of thinking that all they need to do is stop combing their hair and let it lock up on its own. Unfortunately, this method usually leads to uneven locs. If you want them to be neat and uniform, you'll need to put in a little bit of effort. According to Chimere Faulk:


"It's very difficult to pinpoint how long one's hair will loc because of the factor of the different stages hair goes through to loc as well as texture. Generally speaking, it could take anywhere from 10 months to two years to get to the maturest stage of locs."

The locking of hair will be different for everyone, and that’s okay. Patience is key. 

We hope this guide helps you on your journey to dreadlocks. Remember, it is a process and a very personal one. Embrace it.

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